Make a “To-Don’t” List

2 min readMar 6, 2021

Every week I am disappointed by my weekly screen time notification. I see how much time I have spent scrolling on apps that didn’t bring me joy— and often cause me unneeded stress or anxiety.

Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash

My mind then wanders to all the other ways I’ve spent my time. I find myself spending too much time nursing habits that no longer support who I want to become, and often these habits are even hindering my growth. I find myself choosing to live in comfort rather than pushing myself for more, for success, by eliminating what does not do me any good.

In this world, we often hear of “to-do” list, and it is vital to know what needs to be done so that we can work to accomplish this. But what needs to be eliminated to reach these goals and accomplish tasks?

This week, along with your “to-do” list I challenge you to think of what is hindering your growth, development, and productivity and add these items to your “to-don’t” list. Break your bad habits. Stop the cycle. Protect your time.

Cut the junk and become your best self.

Below are some habits on my “to-don’t” list:

  1. No mindlessly scrolling any social media
  2. No overanalyzing social interactions. Ask.
  3. No mindless snacking out of boredom
  4. No buying gimmick products (they just take up space :) )




Stay for a sprinkle of my life. Cultivating a life I love.